Over the past few years, cigars produced in Costa Rica have performed extremely well on Cigar Coop as evidenced by the performance ratings over the years. When the opportunity presented itself to visit the Tabacos de Costa Rica factory located in Costa Rica, I was quite intrigued to find out why these cigars were consistently getting some of the higher scores. Today, we begin the first of a two-part series on my visit to Costa Rica. In this installment, we take a closer look at Tabacos de Costa Rica and their processes and practices for making cigars.  This video was filmed in conjunction with MBombay Cigars.

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Be sure to check out Part 1 where we explore in more detail the country of Costa Rica.


Special thanks to the following folks who made this trip possible.

  • Mel Shah, Bombay Tobak: For hosting me in Costa Rica. Without him, this trip would not have been possible.
  • Andrés León, owner and operator of Tabacos de Costa Rica: For his hospitality the days I was at the factory.
  • Ron Melendi: For working the cameras and helping with post-production.

Video Credit: MBombay Cigars