Over the years, Gurkha Cigars has been known to pair up with some of the leading factories in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic to produce its cigars. In 2021, Gurkha turned to Ram Rodriguez’s Tabacalera El Artista to produce the Gurkha Revenant line.
Gurkha Revenant is available in two blends – Corojo and Maduro. The Gurkha Revenant Corojo consists of an Ecuadorian Corojo wrapper, Cameroon binder, and a filler consisting of Dominican Criollo ’98, Nicaraguan, and Broadleaf tobacco. The Gurkha Revenant Maduro wrapper consists of a San Andres Mexican wrapper over a Cameroon binder and a combination of Nicaraguan, Broadleaf, and Tabacalera El Artista’s Dominican T13 hybrid leaf for the filler.
The cigars are available in two sizes – Robusto and Toro.
A revenant is a creature that returns from the dead. The concept stems from European folklore. Revenants are said to return to the living realm to take revenge on those who wronged them in their previous life. The packaging of the Revenant says “Resurrected Blend.”
Photo Credits: Erron Nielsen for Cigar Coop