On August 15, 2021, Cigar Coop will celebrate its 11th anniversary in operation, however each year when July 3rd comes around, it’s time to celebrate another milestone – the “Ironman Publication Streak.” Today marks nine consecutive years Cigar Coop has published original content on a daily basis.
Nine years – that equates to 3,288 consecutive days of daily content.
It was back in June of 2012 when I contemplated the idea of going to a daily publication cycle. I felt there was a wealth of information to report and plenty of cigars to assess. At the same time, publishing daily demonstrated our commitment and seriousness to covering the industry. I soon wondered if it could actually be pulled off. That July 3rd date was the start and it was a soft start because it was the time period of the weeks leading up to the 2012 IPCPR Trade Show. By late August most of the IPCPR wrap-up was done and now it was time to see if this could actually be pulled off.
There were some challenges. Travel, illness, storms, two server migrations, and a server crash. But we have never missed a day in those nine years. Our content was never backdated, we never rinsed and recycled old content, and no copy/paste.
Next year will be the ten-year anniversary of the Iron Man publication streak. Over the past couple of years, I’ve contemplated bringing this streak to a close (including this year). When the time is right, the streak will come to a close and we’ll start another one. For now, we move onward…