Foundation Cigar Company has announced that 1573 Cigars, a new distribution company, will be its exclusive distributor in the United Kingdom.
1573 Cigars was founded by Damien O’Donohoe, Winston Marshall, and George Frakes. The company takes its name from the year cigars first arrived in the United Kingdom. The company will be importing and handling
distribution for El Güegüense, The Wise Man Maduro, The Tabernacle, Highclere Castle, and Charter Oak Broadleaf lines.
“I am very excited to open the British market with 1573. We share the same passion for this industry, and they understand Foundation’s core principles” said Nicholas Melillo, owner of Foundation Cigar Company.
“It is a true honor to be Foundation Cigars’ U.K. Distributor. I can state with every fiber of my being that these are, without doubt, the finest cigars produced today. I first smoked Foundation in 2016 and was completely overwhelmed by the range’s depth of flavor, balance, complexity, and quality. The incredible story of both the brand and Nicholas Melillo sharpened our attention further. We have been intent on seeing Foundation Cigars at home on U.K. shelves and it is with great pride that we can now offer U.K. cigar smokers these same incredible experiences,” added George Frakes.