This year Cigar Coop celebrated its ten-year anniversary. Late in 2019, we completed the last Cigar Coop Cigar of the Year Countdown for the Decade of 2010 through 2019. One thing that I wanted to look at was how cigar companies performed overall on the Countdowns done during the decade. This was covered by two […]
Feature Story: The Decade List – The Impact Lines
I ran into some obstacles while building The Decade List. The Decade List was being built on how cigars ranked and scored on Cigar Coop, but as the list was being developed, there were many cigars that were falling outside the parameters for the list. These cigars weren’t necessarily the ones that were getting ranked, […]
Feature Story: The Decade List – 2010 to 2019
It’s a project that has been ten years in the making – or at least almost 18 months. The concept for doing a Cigar of the Decade selection started in July, 2018. I was driving outside Alburquerque, New Mexico heading to Las Vegas for the IPCPR Trade Show. I had just talked to Sam Morales, […]