La Aurora 107 Two years ago, La Aurora unveiled the La Aurora 107 cigar. This cigar was released to celebrate La Aurora’s 107th anniversary, thus the cigar was appropriately named. This cigar received a high amount of fanfare from cigar enthusiasts nationwide and many had it as one of their top cigars for 2010. I […]
La Aurora Puro Vintage 2004 The La Aurora Puro Vintage 2004 is the second of the Puro Vintage limited release series from La Aurora cigars. This has been a long awaited follow-up release to the La Aurora Puro Vintage 2003. In addition to being a salomon vitola, the distinguishing factor with the Puro Vintage line […]
W.Curtis Draper, a retailer with two stores in the Washington DC/ Bethesda, Maryland area has announced a series of store exclusive, limited edition cigars from four leading cigar manufacturers. The series is being dome to commemorate Drapers 125th Anniversary. The four cigar manufacturers selected to blend the anniversary cigars are: Tatuaje Cigars La Aurora Cigars […]
La Aurora 1495 Series The La Aurora 1495 Series is where there is a lot more to the cigar than just looking at the band and wrapper. This is a cigar with some very interesting background behind it. For starters, while it might look like an oily cigar with a lion on the band, this […]
The 2011 Cigar of the Year Countdown is in the history books. There were 30 cigars that were listed as Epic Encounters. As I mentioned when this list began, perhaps the hardest part was choosing which cigars would make the list, and what didn’t. Below I have listed ten honorable mentions. Some will say now […]
One point I’ve made before, when it comes to giveback or stepping up in a time of need, the cigar industry consistently is up in the forefront. In 2011, following the Earthquake and Tsunami disasters, La Aurora Cigars has stepped up and released a cigar that will have portion of proceeds from sales of the […]
The month of May was probably as dynamic a month as there has been in a while in the cigar industry. As always, I’ll highlight some noteworthy events that happened in the world of cigars. The main focus will be on the happenings I explored on the Cigar Coop website, but there was plenty […]
La Aurora Escogidos Belicoso When I usually go into a humidor out of town, I usually try to find something different than I do not have access to on the homefront. To my surprise, when I walked into W.Curtis Draper in Bethesda, MD, I was surprised to see the La Aurora Escogidos Belicoso. I wasted […]
Time to highlight some noteworthy events that happened in the world of cigars for April 2011. I’ll focus on noteworthy events and smokes that I explored on the Cigar Coop website and throw in a few other tidbits for kicks. This month seemed a little quieter than the previous month. Gary Arzt The month got […]
This past weekend, I got a some face to face questions asking me what I knew about the Para Japon cigar from Miami Cigars. I thought I’d post what I know, where you can get more information, and some thoughts. The Para Japon project is another example of the cigar industry stepping up in […]