General Cigar Freshness Packs |
General Cigar Company has a foil-lined freshness package that is aimed at several of its larger selling lines. The packaging is meant to lock in humidity and be air tight with the ultimate goal of delivering “fresh from the factory floor flavor“. At the same time it protects a cigar from external elements.
In a communication from General Cigar Company, the company “set out to create a solution for the on-the-go cigar smoker who wants a fresh cigar anytime, anywhere.”
According to General Cigar Company, the freshness packs are meant to keep a cigar fresh for approximately one year – although this could vary depending on where someone lives or how the cigar is cared for.
As mentioned above, the freshness packs are aimed at some of General’s larger lines. General Cigar mentioned Macanudo (pictured), Paratgas, Punch, and Excalibur. The packaging contains an image of the cigar that is enclosed. The back of the packaging contains a description of the cigar. The actual package itself is opened by a slight perforation with it can be easily torn or cut.
The freshness packs are meant to house a single robusto-sized cigar. The packs will be sold at brick and mortar stores, but are also sold at convienence stores, liquor shops, and pro shops.
Open foil of the General Cigar Freshness Pack |
Opened Freshness Pack with Cigar – Rear View |
Update 5/15/13: We have changed this to a “Feature Story” based on feedback as opposed to a “news” story.