Assessment Updates will be posted on this web-site to: 1) Assess “pre-review” cigars that were not given a rating or score (typically pre-release cigars); 2) Provide numeric ratings to cigars previously assessed prior to the implementation of the numeric scoring system; 3) Provide a re-assessment and re-score of previously assessed/score cigars. Today, we assign a numerical score to the Zino Platinum Z-Class Series. This was a cigar we assessed back in May, 2011.
Zino Platinum Z-Class Series |
The Zino brand of Davidoff is positioned as a brand marketed to a younger generation of cigar smokers. In 2011, the Zino brand of Davidoff launched the Zino Platinum Z-Class. This was a significant release because it marked the first new core line released by Zino in eight years. This was an impressive cigar as it finished as the Cigar Coop #22 Cigar of the Year for 2011. Now a little after 2 1/2 years following its initial launch, we take another look at the Zino Platinum Z-Class and see what this cigar brings to the table.
The Zino Platinum Z-Class is a multi-national blend. It consists of a Dominican wrapper, a Peruvian binder (Pelo de Oro Visus) and Nicaraguan and Honduran filler. It was launched in four sizes 654 T (Toro): 5 7/8″ x 54 ; 550 R (Robusto): 4 7/8″ x 50; 546 P (Piramide): 5 1/4 x 46; and 643 C (Corona): 5 5/8″ x 43. Today we revisit the 654T – the same size as we smoked back in May 2011.
The Zino Platinum Z-Class still had some great flavor, but I thought it lost a bit in the way of complexity over time The flavors were still excellent as I picked up notes of grass, pepper, nut, natural tobacco, and cedar sweetness. The honey and caramel notes I originally detected did not seem to play a significant role. The strength and body are both in the medium to full range. The burn and draw were both excellent.
Click here for the full assessment done on this cigar.
Assessment: 3.5 – Box Split
Score: 91
Price: $12.50
Source: Gifted
Stogie Feed: Zino Platinum Z-Class Toro