Cigar Distrbutor Zander-Greg is celebrating twenty years in the cigar business. As with such an occasion, there will be the Zander-Greg 20th Anniversary cigar coming out. However, there is an interesting twist for this project as Zander-Greg will be teaming up with A.J. Fernandez and will receive what is described as a “slightly tweaked” blend of the A.J. Fernandez New World. The cigar is targeted for a September release and it is anticipated this cigar will be shown off at the 2015 IPCPR Trade Show.
The Zander-Greg 20th Anniversary is a Nicaraguan puro. It will also be offered in the same four box-pressed sizes as the A.J. Fernandez New World. Like the regular offering New World it will be offered in 20 count boxes. Pricing will be in the $5.00 to $6.00
The banding will feature the standard A.J. Fernandez New World, but will also feature a secondary band indicating it is the Zander-Greg 20th Anniversary cigar blend.
Over the past five years, Zander-Greg has moved into more premium cigar offerings – mostly around its Nat Cicco brand. In the past twelve months, the company has released the Nat Cicco HHB and Nat Cicco Aniversario 1965 offerings.
At a glance, here is a look at the Zander-Greg 20th Anniversary Cigar:
Blend Profile
Wrapper: Dark Nicaraguan
Binder: Jalapa (Nicaragua)
Filler: Ometepe, Condega, Esteli
Country of Origin: Nicaragua (Tabacalera Fernandez)
Vitolas Available
Robusto: 5 1/2 X 55
Belicoso: 5 1/2 X 55
Toro: 6 1/2 X 55
Gordo: 6 X 58
robert campbell
how order and the prices
William Cooper
The pricing is in the article.
These will need to come from a retailer carrying Zander-Greg products. I recommend contacting them here to find your closest retailer,