Two cigar conglomerates are teaming up for a special limited edition project. Today, Plasencia Cigars announced it created an exclusive cigar for Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911’s U.S. Flagship Stores appropriately called Plasencia Cigars for Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911. The release is expected to start hitting the stores on May 2, 2019.

The cigar itself is a medium to full-bodied 100% Nicaraguan puro available in one size – a 6 x 52 Belicoso. The cigar will be packaged in twenty-count boxes with a total production of 300 boxes.

“We are honored to partner with Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 to share the ideal combination of flavors and blends that perfectly represent both of our brands, in one savoring cigar,” said Nestor Andrés Plasencia, CEO of Plasencia Cigars in a press release.  “Plasencia Cigars for Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 symbolizes the commitment of  both brands to serve and provide consumers with the highest quality products in the industry.”

“Plasencia for Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 beautifully represents Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911’s quest for outstanding cigar experiences, providing only the finest blends for aficionados to celebrate and enjoy,” added Lana Fraser, director of marketing of Davidoff of Geneva USA. “Plasencia Cigars, in collaboration with Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 have found the perfect synergy and balance to create an enticing and elegant blend that will create a unique and memorable experience.”

The cigar will have a launch event in New York City on May 2 at the Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 flagship store, located at Brookfield Place, 225 Liberty St., from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 Flagship stores are retail operations where Davidoff has an ownership stake in the retail operation. The Plasencia for Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 release will also be available on Davidoff’s online retail store at

At a glance here is a look at the Plasencia for Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911:

Blend and Origin

Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Factory: Plasencia S.A.

Vitolas Offered

Belicoso: 6 x 52

Photo Credit: Supplied by Plasencia Cigars