Tobacco Media Group (TMG) announced earlier today refund policies if it has to cancel the Tobacco Plus Expo 2021 (TPE21) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

While TPE21 has not been cancelled, the refund policies published mark the first acknowledgement the possibility does exist for a cancellation. According to TMG, the policies for Exhibitors and Attendees are as follows:

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If Show Management has to cancel TPE21 due to COVID-19, all booth and sponsorship fees will be refunded. All refunds to be paid by initial payment method less any fees associated with payment method and within 30 days after show was to be executed.


If Show Management has to cancel TPE21 due to COVID-19, all registration fees will be refunded. All refunds to be paid by initial payment method less any fees associated with payment method and within 30 days after show was to be executed.


TPE21 is scheduled to take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center from January 27th through January 29th, 2021. While there has been no cancellation of the event, sources have told Cigar Coop that organizers have been in contact to gain input into potential contingency plans should the COVID-19 pandemic continue to have impacts on Las Vegas and conventions. This was also acknowledged by Steve Saka on a guest appearance on Cigar Dojo’s Smoke Night Live June 19th program.

Las Vegas has continued to be at a virtual stand-still with its convention business. Currently Las Vegas is in Phase 2 for re-opening for businesses. This limit increases public and private gatherings to no more than 50 people while continuing to practice social distancing, keeping six (6) feet of space in between individuals, wearing face coverings when going out, and limiting unnecessary social interactions. The recent spike in COVID-19 has led to Phase 2 being extended through the end of July.

The CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is scheduled to take place January 6-9, 2021 at the Las Vegas Convention Center prior to TPE21. CES is planning on having a trade show, but acknowledges changes will be made.

A cancellation of TPE would be the latest in a line of trade shows cancelled in the cigar industry. This includes the 2020 TAA Convention, the 2020 PCA Trade Show and Convention, and InterTabac 2020.

TMG has also said TPE22 is scheduled in Las Vegas from January 26th through January 28th, 2022.