Toscano Cigars is a brand of cigars produced by Italy’s Manifatture Sigaro Toscano. Distribution is handled in the U.S. by Miami Cigar and Company. Toscano is known for its fire-cured cigars featuring Italian and U.S. tobaccos rolled in a conical perfecto shape. In previous years, Toscano was a part of the Miami Cigar and Company exhibit at the IPCPR Trade Show. This has been a quiet year for U.S. releases from Miami Cigar & Company with Toscano Cigars providing the distribution arm’s one release this summer.

The past couple of years have seen Toscano Cigars use the Trade Show for doing an innovative signature release. At the 2018 IPCPR, Toscano launched the Toscano Originale, a cigar that celebrated the company’s 200 years in the cigar business. This is a cigar that was made available in a more traditional cigar box as opposed to the soft packs Toscano is known for. At the 2019 show came the Toscano Stilnovo, the first Toscano cigar to use a binder.

Toscano released the Toscano Duecento to the U.S. in 2020. Duecento means “200” as this was a cigar that was originally released as a part of Toscano’s 200th anniversary year in 2018 – however, the Duecento was not released to the U.S. market at that time. The Duecento is unique in that is a much larger format than the traditional conical perfecto. While most Toscano conical perfectos are in the 6 x 40 shape, the Duecento is longer and fatter – measuring 7 3/4 x 46. The blend features a U.S. fire-cured Kentucky-Seed wrapper grown in Tennessee over fillers consisting of Italian and U.S. fire-cured tobaccos. The cigar also comes in a more traditional style 20-count box.

Toscano Duecento
Photo Credit: Toscano Cigars

Michael Cappellini, Brand Ambassador for Toscano Cigars was a guest on the Prime Time Virtual Trade Show and discussed the release of the Duecento:


Product Reports

Photo/Video Credits: Cigar Coop, except where noted