On June 17, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration extended the period for the public to comment on both its proposed flavored cigars and menthol cigarette ban an additional 30 days. The new deadline to submit comments is now August 2, 2022. Today, the extension was made official in the Federal Register.
The FDA commented:[themify_box]
Interested persons were originally given until July 5, 2022, to comment on the proposed rules. We have received a number of requests for a 60-day extension of the comment period for both proposed rules, which conveyed concern that the current 60-day comment period does not allow sufficient time to develop a meaningful response to the proposed rules. Several organizations have requested that FDA close the comment period after 60 days, conveying that 60 days is enough time to receive meaningful responses and stressed a public health urgency with both product standards.
FDA has considered the requests and is extending the comment period for the proposed rules by an additional 30 days, until August 2, 2022. We believe that a 90-day comment period is appropriate as it allows adequate time for interested persons to fully consider the proposed rules, including specific requests for comments, and develop and submit comments without significantly lengthening the rulemaking proceedings[/themify_box]
The opening of a proposed rule by the FDA to public comment is a part of the rule-making process. For Flavored Cigars, comments made by submitted directly to the FDA or through portals established by the CAA or PCA. Swisher has also established its own portal.