Yaya Cigars, a brand made by CigarZona out of the Dominican Republic and now distributed in the U.S. market by United Cigars, is now heading to retailers. Yaya had a launch at the 2022 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show earlier this summer. Originally this cigar was launched in the Dominican Republic.
“This was our first PCA and we were beyond appreciative of the response,” said owner Carlos Gonzalez in a press release. “We shared our passion with so many amazing retailers and we were humbled by the support.”
Yaya comes from Taino mythology and is the great creator of existence. It also has a deeper meaning to Gonzalez and his family. On his grandfather’s campo, an old lady would roll cigars and the grandchildren would sneak cigars from her. She was lovingly known as Yaya and now the memories that Carlos has of her live on through the line.
The blend features an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper over a Dominican Cubano binder and three unique Dominican Tobaccos in the filler. It’s available in four sizes: Short Robusto (4 x 54), Robusto (5 x 52), Toro (6 x 54) and Gordo (6 x 60) – each presented in 15-count lacquered boxes. Yaya will have a retail price between $8.99 and $10.99 per single or $134.99 to $164.99 per box.
For additional information, refer to our PCA Pre-Game Coverage: