Foundation Cigar Company has announced the Highclere Castle Senetjer, a limited edition cigar commemorating the 100th anniversary of the unearthing of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb is heading to stores. The Highclere Castle Senetjer made its debut at the 2022 Premium Cigar Association Trade Show.
According to Foundation Cigar Company, shipping of the first fulfillment will begin on the West Coast and move eastward. These orders will arrive in stores by thee end of November. A second fulfillment of orders will happen at the start of December.
“I have been in love with the culture and history of Egypt since I was a little boy. It is a great honor to work on this project with Lord Carnarvon and Adam von Gootkin. This product is truly something unique and special,” commented Nicholas Melillo, owner of Foundation Cigar Company.
For additional details, see our 2022 PCA Trade Show pre-game coverage:
Photo Credits: Erron Nielsen for Cigar Coop