The Kristoff TAA Exclusive 49 is a cigar by Glen Case’s Kristoff Cigars that is a part of several new exclusive releases that have been made available to the Tobacconists Association of America (TAA) by several manufacturers for 2017. While this is Kristoff’s first official TAA Exclusive cigar, it is not Kristoff’s first go around […]
Late last year, JRE Tobacco started to soft launch the Aladino Maduro, an extension to the company’s signature line, Aladino to a group of its select retailers. JRE Tobacco is a company headed up by legendary Julio R. Eiroa and his son Justo Eiroa. It was back in 2016, when the father-son duo launched JRE Tobacco. […]
The Nick & Jim P.B.E. is a project that is a collaborative effort between Nick Syris of LH Premium Cigars and “Island” Jim Robinson, best known for his Leaf by Oscar and Island Jim brands. With Leaf by Oscar, Robinson had success working with Oscar Valladares bringing a cigar that originally started as a house […]
The Casa Cuevas Connecticut is one of three blends owned by Casa Cuevas Cigars. Casa Cuevas Cigars is the brand owned by the father and son team of Luis Cuevas Sr. and his son Luis Cuevas Jr. The Cuevas family are not newcomers to the cigar industry. The Cuevas family has been involved in the […]
At the 2017 IPCPR Trade Show, E.P. Carrillo announced the return of the E.P. Carrillo Elencos line. The story of Elencos traces back to 2010 at the time when Ernesto Perez-Carrillo’s E.P. Carrillo brand was in its infancy. Ernesto had released the first of his Edición Limitada series known as the E.P. Carrillo Edición Limitada […]
The 2012 by Oscar Barber Pole is a shop exclusive cigar to Carolina-based cigar retailer The Cigar Shop. The 2012 by Oscar line was launched by Oscar Valladares & Company in 2017 as a line to commemorate company founder Oscar Valladares’ five years in the cigar industry. It also was his company’s first all box-pressed […]
Last month, Southern Draw Cigars released its first major batch of Corona Gorda line extensions to the three blends of its QuickDraw line of cigars. The QuickDraw line of cigars is a line of “connoisseur-size” cigars available in three blends – Connecticut, PA (Pennsylvania) Broadleaf, and Habano. As the name indicates, the QuickDraw is meant […]
At the 2017 IPCPR Trade Show, General Cigar Company launched a new offering under its La Gloria Cubana brand known as the La Gloria Cubana Colección Reserva. The cigar is a project that was done in conjunction with Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr. at his Tabacalera La Alianza factory. Perez-Carrillo Jr. is well-known for his strong ties […]