Congressman Mark Meadows (R-North Carolina), Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus used a meeting with President Elect Donald Trump to present to him a list of 232 regulations that could be revoked in Trump’s first 100 days in office. One of the proposed regulations to be revoked were “Deeming tobacco products to be subject to […]
One of the new regulations under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)is the requirement manufacturers register with the FDA and submit a product listing of the products they sell. A deadline of December 31, 2016 was enacted for when these submissions were due to the FDA. Today, the FDA has now announced that they will […]
In a year-end communication from the International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers (IPCPR) Government Affairs Team, it was revealed that a court date for the lawsuit filed by the cigar industry’s trade associations against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been scheduled for July 28, 2017. The lawsuit challenges the Deeming Regulations implemented […]
It wasn’t unexpected, but it’s another defeat for the premium cigar industry. The exemption specified in the House Appropriations Bill that included language for cigars from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) control was overridden as the result of an implementation of a Continuing Resolution. The industry was hoping to advance the Appropriations Bill which would […]
It’s the Cabinet nomination the cigar industry will most be interested in. Today, President-Elect Donald Trump nominated Georgia Congresman Tom Price M.D. to be his Secretary of Health and Human Services. While much of the attention of this appointment will be focused on repealing Obamacare (for which Rep. Price has been a harsh critic), the […]
Premium Cigars are still very much subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However there was a minor tweak to a proposed companion rule. Back when the Deeming Regulations were published, there was a companion rule proposed called. “Refuse To Accept Procedures for Premarket Tobacco Product Submissions“. This deals with the application […]
With Donald J. Trump set to become the 45th President of the United States in January 2017, there has been renewed optimism by the cigar community in terms of the industry’s battle against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As many know, the battle is centered on fighting the new Deeming Regulations the FDA has […]
This week the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded to the lawsuit filed by the cigar industry’s three major trade associations – the Cigar Association of America (CAA), Cigar Rights of America (CRA), and the International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers (IPCPR). In there response the FDA denied the claims made in the lawsuit […]
Disclaimer: This is an opinion piece. This is not intended to be a legal document. It is also not a position favoring this decision made by the FDA. This author believes charitable contributions by cigar companies should continue for our military troops. This past week the U.S. Food and Drug Administration replied to an inquiry by Congressman Duncan Hunter […]
After five months of speculation, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has confirmed its regulations which prohibit cigar companies from distributing samples also appliy to donating free cigars to soldiers. The FDA’s position on this was confirmed in a response sent to Congressman Duncan Hunder (R-California) by Ramesh Menon, the FDA’a Acting Supervisory Congressional Affairs Specialist. […]