After one month of “30 Cigars in 31 Days”, it is time to get back to the business of Cigar Reviews on Cigar Coop. The first review of 2011 will be a stick that I ranked #12 on my Top 30 Cigars for 2010 – the San Lotano Maduro. If you have been following Cigar […]
“30 Cigars in 31 Days” is now in the annals of history. The Avo LE 10 is my winner for 2010 Cigar of the Year. 2010 was truly one of the greatest years the cigar industry as ever seen. There were plenty of new releases, and the race for Cigar of the Year as […]
#8 San Lotano Connecticut We have now entered the “Elite 8” of “30 Cigars in 31 Days” – my review of the Top 30 Cigars of 2010. It is now time for the 23rd installment of this list. At #8 is the San Lotano Connecticut. This is the second stick from A.J. Fernandez’s new San […]
#12 San Lotano Maduro The further down the countdown of “30 Cigars in 31 Days”, the better the sticks. We are now approaching the elite 12 of the Top 30 Cigars of 2010. Slotting in at #12 is the San Lotano Maduro by A.J. Fernandez. Fernandez has been garnering a reputation over the past few […]
Last month, I was blown away by A.J. Fernandez’s new San Lotano Connecticut stick. To quote what I said, “might be one of the best Connecticut Shade wrappers I have ever had!” Therefore I was very excited to try another San Lotano stick that was released this year. I decided to give the San Lotano […]
Who is A.J. Fernandez? He might just be the best cigar blender that nobody has ever heard of. From what I’ve heard, he has just cracked the age of 30, yet he has been making a big impact on blending for the past few years. He has been involved with blending for Diesel, Man o […]