Lately I’ve been trying to take this web-site into more of a hard-core direction in terms of cigar information. I’m not sure how successful this transition has been, but I’m trying. There are times where I realize I do need to take a step back and have a little fun. With tonight being the first […]
Cigar Review: Savinelli Liga Especial
Over the past couple of months, I have gotten the opportunity to sample cigars made my Savinelli. The Savinelli Nicaragua Reserve and the Savinelli Special Selection 2005 were both very positive cigar experiences. Usually the third time is important for me when I look at a brand – namely if a company has three solid […]
Cigar Review: Savinelli Special Selection 2005
Last month, I got my introduction to Savinelli Cigars and when I sampled the Savinelli Nicaragua Reserve, I really enjoyed it. Therefore, I was pretty excited to sample more from the Savinelli line. This time I was fortunate enough to try the Savinelli Special Selection 2005. After enjoying this blend, I raised the question – […]
Cigar Review: Savinelli Nicaragua Reserve
When the name Savinelli comes to mind, the first thing that will usually pop into a Tobacco Enthusiast’s head is pipes. Savinelli has been making pipes since 1876 and today they are still considered some of the best pipes on the marketplace. In 1994, Savinelli entered the cigar arena. A few months ago, I sampled […]