
This year, New Hampshire-based retailer Federal Cigar is celebrating its 95th anniversary. As has been the case over the past five years, the company has commissioned a manufacturer to produce an exclusive limited edition cigar to commemorate the occasion. This year for its 95th Anniversary, the company turns to a familiar manufacturer as E.P. Carrillo will produce the cigar. The release will coincide with Federal Cigar’s 95th anniversary celebration event scheduled April 8-9th 2016.

According to Derek Sells, General Manager at Federal Cigar, the cigar will feature a Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper that has been aging an extra year at Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican Republic. The binder is an Ecuadorian Sumatra that has also been significantly aged. The filler is made up of tobaccos from Nicaragua, including the Esteli region. The cigar itself is a 6 x 52 Toro. It features a Federal Cigar band and an E.P. Carrillo band on the footer.


E.P. Carrillo Federal Cigar 95th Anniversary (Photo Credit: Federal Cigar)

The cigars will be packaged in bundles of 15 with a suggested retail price of $8.75 per cigar or $131 per bundle.  At total of 200 bundles have been produced.

E.P. Carrillo and Federal Cigar have a long history of shop exclusives. E.P. Carrillo produced the E.P. Carrillo Short Run 2010 No. 4 for Federal Cigar’s 90th anniversary and the E.P. Carrillo Medalla D’ Oro for Federal’s 92nd anniversary.  E.P. Carrillo has also produced the E.P. Carrillo Medalla D’Platino and E.P. Carrillo Noche D’Oro for Federal Cigar.

In addition to the E.P. Carrillo 95th Anniversary cigar, Federal Cigar will receive a new size of My Father Cigars’ Flor de las Antillas Maduro in the form of a box-pressed torpedo.  Last year, the Flor de las Antillas Maduro was released in a Short Robusto.