As a part of its overall revamping, Cusano Cigars, the value priced brand in the Davidoff portfolio has announced will also be revamping its bundle lines. This includes introducing a new blend offring, Cusano N1 Nicaragua as well as the repackaging the current Cusano M1 Connecticut and Cusano P1 Maduro offerings. The revamped Cusano bundle lines are currently now avaiable to retailers.
The Cusano N1 Nicaragua is a combination of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers and also incorporates both a Sumatra wrapper and a Sumatra binder.
Meanwhile, the Cusano P1 Maduro and Cusano M1Connecticut lines are receiving updated banding. The packaging for all three bundles will now be 16 count (the P1 Maduro and M1 Connecticut were previously offered in 20 count boxes). All three blends will also be streamlined to three sizes: Robusto (5 x 50); Churchill (7 x 48); and Gordo (6 x 60). Pricing starts at $1.99 per cigar.
The Cusano bundle offerings are being produced in Honduras at AgroIndustrias Laepe SA. Last year, Cusano’s parent company Davidoff announced an expansion for its Honduran operations.
Cusano Cigars was a company originally founded by Mike and Joe Chiusano. In 2009, Oettenger Davidoff acquired Cusano Cigars. This acquisition gave Davidoff a brand focused around value-based cigars. Until 2016, this had been one of the quietest brands in the Davidoff portfolio.
The company earlier this year the Cusano Dominican Connecticut and Cusano Dominican Maduro as a part of its revamping. This past week, the new Cusano Nicaragua Esteli was introduced.
At a glance here is a look at the Cusano Bundle line:
Cusano N1 Nicaragua
Wrapper: Sumatra
Binder: Sumatra
Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Honduras (AgroIndustrias Laepe SA)
Robusto: 5 x 50
Churchill: 7 x 48
Gordo: 6 x 60
Cusano P1 Maduro
Wrapper: Mexican
Binder: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Filler: Dominican
Country of Origin: Honduras (AgroIndustrias Laepe SA)
Robusto: 5 x 50
Churchill: 7 x 48
Gordo: 6 x 60
Cusano M1 Connecticut
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Honduras (AgroIndustrias Laepe SA)
Robusto: 5 x 50
Churchill: 7 x 48
Gordo: 6 x 60
Photo Credits: Davidoff of Geneva
Garry Bird
Just purchased a bundle of Cusano N1’s from the local Binny’s. I’m a bold cigar fan. I understand that this is an inexpensive cigar, but…its loose construction, bad burn and ultra peppery flavor is well, not great. I’m hoping that my first impression is wrong.
Mike from NH
I’m smoking an N1 as I reply. I gotta disagree with Garry! For $2/stick it’s a great smoke. The M1 is equally good. But I’m not a cigar snob so maybe my expectations are low. Regardless I’m happy with the N1 & M1
John Howard
I have been smoking the M1 robusto for many years. The new M1’s with the blue band, 16 count, just plain suck! It’s a cheap wrapper with loosely packed construction. I am sorry that the company decided to cheapen this fine economical cigar. It’s just sad. Cusano say goodbye to a loyal longtime customer.
John Howard