Altadis U.S.A is once again teaming up with the Plasencia family for an all-Nicaraguan Montecristo cigar. This week the company announced the Montecristo Epic Craft Cured. As the name indicates, the Craft Cured is being aligned under the Epic line under the Montecristo brand.
As mentioned, the Montecristo Epic Craft Cured consists of all-Nicaraguan tobaccos. The blend is highlighted by a Nicaraguan Rosado Oscuro wrapper from a 2006 vintage. The remainder of the blend contains tobaccos from the four main growing regions of Nicaragua including an Ometepe binder and fillers from Estelí, Jalapa, and Condega. The cigar is offered in three sizes – each with a 52 ring gauge. The cigars will feature ten-count box packaging.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about the blend is the fermentation method. Altadis U.S.A. says the tobacco components were fermented in smaller sizes pilones than normal. According to Altadis U.S.A, this process unifies all the components, allowing the flavors of the cigar’s wrapper, binder and filler tobaccos to marry into a more harmonious profile resulting in a more flavorful cigar.
Over the past few years, the Montecristo brand has expanded into other factories including Plasencia SA (Nicaragua), Tabacalera Fernandez (Nicaragua) and most recently Tabacalera La Alianza (the Dominican Republic for the Montecristo Ciudad de Musica). Plasencia SA has been responsible for the two previous all-Nicaraguan Montecristos – the Espada by Montecristo and the limited production Espada by Montecristo Estoque.
As for Montecristo Epic, this was a Dominican-made line under Montecristo introduced back in 2011. This was followed up later in 2011 by the limited edition Montecristo Epic No. 2. Since then, there had been no extensions to the line.
Pricing is set between $14.65 and $16.50. It is expected to be in full distribution by December 15, 2017.
At a glance, here is a look at the Montecristo Epic Craft Cured:
Blend Profile
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Rosado Oscuro Vintage 2006
Binder: Nicaraguan (Ometepe)
Filler: Nicaraguan (Estelí, Jalapa, Condega)
Country of Origin: Nicaragua (Plasencia SA)
Vitolas Available
5 x 52
6 x 52
6 1/8 x 52
The Scoop With Coop – KMA Talk Radio
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