Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we are looking at in a different size. Today we look at the Viaje Exclusivo Nicaragua in the Petite Lancero size. This is a cigar we previously assessed in the Toro size back in May 2017.
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Nicaragua (TABSA)
Petite Lancero: 6 x 40
Late in 2016, Viaje Cigars introduced an offshoot to its Viaje Exclusivo line known as the Viaje Exclusivo Nicaragua. The Exclusivo blend is a Nicaraguan puro that started out as a personal blend for company founder Andre Farkas. Over the years, Farkas has done many different sizes of the Viaje Exclusivo blend in limited editions, small batches and shop exclusives. It was earlier in 2016, the company announced it would release several sizes of the Exclusivo as a regular on-going production. The original Viaje Exclusivo was a blend that originally was produced out of Honduras at Tabacos Raices Cubanas S. de R.L. (i.e Raices Cubanas). With the Viaje Exclusivo Nicaragua, this is a cigar made in Nicaragua at Tabacos Valle de Jalapa SA (Casa Fernandez’s TABSA factory). While Viaje Exclusivo has regular production sizes, the Viaje Exclusivo Nicaragua has remained small batch. This past year, Viaje announced it was doing a limited run of a 6 x 40 Petite Lancero size of the Viaje Exclusivo and today we take a closer look at that line extension.
At the time the Viaje Exclusivo Nicaragua Petite Lancero was launched, Viaje also announced 6 x 40 limited production line extensions to the classic Viaje Exclusivo and another offshoot known as the Viaje Exclusivo Leaded (a Nicaragua puro featuring high priming, low yield medio tiempo). The three cigars were packaged together in a 75-count cabinet each containing 25 cigars of the three Viaje Exclusivo blends.
This was not the first time Viaje has packaged three lancero blends together. Back in 2014, Viaje used a similar strategy with its Trifecta lancero release where the Oro, Platino, and Plata blends were packaged together.
The Viaje Exclusivo Nicaragua Petite Lancero started out with a mix of cocoa, cedar, citrus, and red pepper. Early on the cocoa notes emerge in the forefront with the red pepper and citrus varying in different degrees, and the cedar further back. The second third of the cigars saw notes of earth join the cocoa in the forefront. During this stage, the red pepper and cedar spies diminish; however by the final third they kick up in intensity. The last third saw the cocoa and citrus in a secondary role.
I found the Petite Lancero to be on par with the experience I previously had with the Toro release, the flavors were full-bodied – and complemented by medium to full strength. The draw was excellent and as for the burn, it delivered the best one I ever had on a Viaje Cigar – earning the “exceptional” rating.
The Viaje Exclusivo Nicaragua blend really came together in the Petite Lancero format. The flavors were bold and rich – and there was enough going on to keep me interested. The Toro size had delivered more of a “twang” from the citrus and red pepper, but not the case with the Petite Lancero. I found the 6 x 40 size allowed the nuances of the blend to show. This is home run for Andre Farkas. Given it’s a bolder cigar, I’d recommend it to a more seasoned cigar enthusiast. As for myself, I’m gonna stock up on these as it is worthy of a fight with Chuck Norris.
Key Flavors Cocoa, Citrus, Red Pepper, Cedar, Earth
Burn: Exceptional
Draw: Excellent
Complexity: Medium Plus
Strength: Medium to Full
Body: Full
Finish: Excellent
Value: Fight Chuck Norris for Them
Score: 93
Previous Assessment: Viaje Exclusivo Nicaragua Toro
News: Viaje Petite Lanceros Coming to Exclusivo, Exclusivo Leaded, and Exclusivo Nicaragua
Price: ~$8.15
Source: Purchased
Brand Reference: Viaje
Photo Credit: Cigar Coop, except where noted