ADVentura Cigars is the premium cigar brand owned by Henderson Ventura of Tabacalera William Ventura and Marcel Knobel. This year, ADVentura was one of nine cigar companies that exhibited in the Sutliff Tobacco pipe booth. Over the past 18 months, Sutliff has quietly been bringing on smaller cigar companies to handle its distribution. Each of the companies had a mini kiosk to showcase its products. In a way, the Sutliff Tobacco booth brought back the vibe of the old House of Emilio booth from 2014.

In 2020, ADVentura Cigars launched the highly successful The Royal Return line consisting of two blends: Queen’s Pearl (Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper) and King’s Gold (Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper). This year a 6 x 44 Corona vitola was added to King’s Gold, becoming the third vitola in that line.

It was interesting watching retailers in the Sutliff booth. There were several large retailers I observed in the booth placing pipe tobacco orders, and each of them was intrigued by the Sutliff brands being exhibited. When it came to ADVentura cigar, this was no exception.

Interview with Henderson Ventura, ADVentura Cigars

Note: Due to age restrictions, you might have to click on “Watch on YouTube” to play the video.

Product Reports

Photo Credit: Erron Nielsen for Cigar Coop