Traditionally the 4 to 6 weeks following the PCA Trade show has been a time where we have posted recaps, and most recently video coverage from the Trade Show. This year, things we have formalized into a limited run series 2022 PCA Trade Show Recap Happy Hour.

Each day at 5pm we will spotlight a company from PCA Trade Show. On most days, we will spotlight a second company at 6pm.  We will roll out the video recorded to the show, along with a corresponding audio feed, pictures, and of course a feature article. The feature article will take you “beyond the video” and offer you more information than might have been covered in the interview.  The video is short and sweet, and we offer the audio on your favorite podcast catcher.

Some companies may not have a video interview, but you will still see a feature story that covers them.

The series will run daily until we complete the rollout of our coverage. You can find everything here on, but the videos will be available on FacebookGoogle Play MusicApple PodcastsPodbean, YouTube, Odysee, Rumble, and yes Instagram tooooooo!

In depth view of our coverage, including product coverage can be found on the Big Board.