Matilde Cigars has announced its fifth regular production cigar, the Matilde Serena Maduro. This is an extension of its popular Matilde Serena cigar. It’s the company’s first new regular production cigar since July 2016.
Produced at Tabacalera Palma, the blend for Matilde Serena Maduro features the same fillers as found on the original Serena (which is Matilde’s Connecticut Shade offering), but changes up the binder to a Dominican C98, and incorporates a San Andres Mexican wrapper. The cigar will be initially offered in two sizes: Robusto (50 x 5 1/4) and Toro Bravo (54 x 6 1/2). Both sizes will be packaged in 20-count boxes. The company says additional sizes will be added in the future.
The cigars will feature teal-blue packaging and banding of the original Matilde Serena.
There are other four lines offered by Matilde Cigars are: Renacer, Oscura, Quadrata, and Serena.
The cigars are expected to ship to retailers early in 2023. At a glance, here is a look at the Matilde Serena Maduro:
Blend and Origin
Wrapper: Mexican San Andres
Binder: Dominican C98
Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Factory: Tabacalera Palma
Vitolas Offered
Robusto: 50 x 5 1/4 (SRP $8.50)
Toro Bravo: 54 x 6 1/2 (SRP $9.00)
Photo Credits: Matilde Cigars
Update 11/24/22: Added photo credits