The Plasencia Cosecha 149, the second installment of Plasencia’s Cosecha series, has begun to arrive on retailer shelves. This cigar made its debut at the 2021 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show. Cosecha 149 is so-named because the cigar incorporates tobaccos from the 149th harvest of Plasencia that took place in 2014. While most […]
From the Archives: IPCPR 2017 – Nestor Andrés Plasencia, Plasencia Cigars
In this interview from our archives, we interview Nestor Andrés Plasencia at the 2017 IPCPR Trade Show. If there was “the story” at the 2017 IPCPR Trade Show, it was the launch of Plasencia Cigars. The Plasencias have over 150 years experience in the cigar business and truly are one of the iconic families in […]
Agile Cigar Review: Plasencia Alma del Fuego Concepción
Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]
PCA 2021 Report: Plasencia Cigars
One of the companies that could lay claim to the busiest booth at the Trade Show is Plasencia Cigars. Plasencia’s booth has been like this since the company launched at the 2017 Trade Show and 2021 was no different. This was a booth bustling with a high level activity all week. It was so busy […]
Cigar News: Plasencia Cosecha 149 Launched at 2021 PCA Trade Show
At the 2021 Trade Show, Plasencia Cigars launched the Plasencia Cosecha 149. The name Cosecha is Spanish for Harvest. In the case of the Cosecha 149, it’s a cigar comprised of 100% Honduran tobacco from the Plasencia family’s 149th harvest. The Plasencia 149 is the second installment of Plasencia’s Cosecha series. In 2017, Plasencia launched […]
Cigar News: Plasencia Cigars Implements Smart Chip Technology in Cigar Bands
Plasencia Cigars has announced it has teamed with LegacySecure to implement a smart chip in its cigar bands that can be used to provide information to cigar retailers and consumers. The new technology will be implemented into every band of Plasencia’s Alma Fuerte Sixto l Hexagon Colorado Claro cigar and box. A debut of the […]
Feature Story: Armand Assante Brings a Classic and Contemporary Approach as He Sets Sights on Return to Cigar Industry
Armand Assante is well-known as a decorated Hollywood actor. He has won an Emmy Award and has had several Golden Globe Nominations. He has played such characters as John Gotti (his Emmy win), Odysseus, and Napoleon Bonaparte. Throughout his career, Armand has been known to be a cigar enthusiast. He’s also been a cigar brand […]
Cigar News: Plasencia Introducing Alma del Fuego Cigar Sampler
Plasencia Cigars has announced a three-pack sampler that will contain one of each of the three vitolas offered in the Plasencia Alma del Fuego line. The Plasencia Alma del Fuego (which translates to “Soul of Fire”) brand was introduced in 2019 and pays tribute to the island of Ometepe which is in Lake Nicaragua. Ometepe […]
Cigar News: Plasencia Alma Fuerte Sixto I Hexagon Colorado Claro Released
Plasencia Cigars has announced a new offshoot of its Plasencia Alma Fuerte line. Dubbed the Plasencia Alma Fuerte Sixto I Hexagon Colorado Claro, it is based on Plasencia’s unique Sixto II Hexagon-shaped vitola currently found in the Alma Fuerte line, but it is highlighted by the use of a lighter-colored Colorado Claro wrapper. The new […]
2020 Cigar of the Year Countdown: #20: Plasencia Alma del Fuego Candente
“I found this to be incredibly balanced – and more importantly incredibly flavorful.” Wrapper Nicaraguan (Jalapa) Binder: Nicaraguan Filler: Nicaraguan, including Ometepe Country of Origin: Nicaragua Factory: Plasencia Cigars S.A. Candente: 5 x 50 Price: $15.00 Sponsor: Yes Samples Provided for Initial Review: No Review: Plasencia Alma del Fuego Candente (2/6/20) Appearances on Countdown (By Year/Company): […]