Three years ago, Esteban Disla, the blender from Nica Sueño, released his own brand known as Guáimaro. At the 2019 IPCPR Trade Show, a new Rothschild size was introduced. The Guáimaro Rothschild is a 4 x 50 vitola and becomes the fourth size in the line. The blend features a Mexican San Andres wrapper […]
Cigar News: Guáimaro to be Launched by Esteban Disla
Esteban Disla is best known for being the co-owner of Fabrica de Tobacos Nica Sueno with RoMa Craft Tobac co-founder, Skip Martin. Now Disla is about to launch his own premium cigar brand. Disla’s brand is known as Guaimaro. The new brand will be showcased at the 2016 IPCPR Trade Show. The cigar gets its name […]