Espinosa Cigars is teaming up with the Reddit Cigar community to release a collaboration cigar known as the Sombrero de Copa. It’s a cigar that is being sold through online retailer Small Batch Cigar.
Sombrero de Copa is a project that has been two years in the making. The concept was to come up with a cigar that best represented the wide range of flavor palates among Reddit Community members. Working with Espinosa Director of Operations Hector Alfonso, the final blend was selected by a group of Reddit Moderators along with Andrew Considine of Small Batch Cigars.
The blend of Sombrero de Copa consists of a Habano wrapper over a Jalapa binder and fillers that include ligero from Estelí and viso from Jalapa. The cigar is available in one size – a 6 x 46 Corona Gorda with each presented in 20-count boxes. Pricing is set at $6.99 per cigar.
The name Sombrero de Copa means “top hat” and is a nod to /r/cigars’ tradition of selecting an “Aficionado of the Month”. The Aficionado of the Month is someone nominated by the Reddit cigar community who is chosen for their cigar knowledge and contributions to the community. That person is allowed to chose a special cigar or group of cigars for the community to try.
Espinosa has also worked with other cigar communities for special collaboration releases. This includes Sensei’s Sensational Sarsaparilla, Sensei’s Sensational Sarsaparilla II, and Feng Shui for the Cigar Dojo community. Through it’s La Zona factory, there have also been two releases from Cubariqueño Cigar Company, including K9 for the Cigar Dojo community and the Fat Ash cigar for the Fat Ash community.
At a glance, here is a look at the Sombrero de Copa:
Blend and Origin
Wrapper: Habano
Binder: Nicaraguan (Jalapa)
Filler: Nicaraguan (Estelí ligero, Jalapa viso)
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Factory: La Zona
Vitolas Offered
Corona Gorda: 6 x 46
Photo Credits: Supplied by Espinosa Cigars via press release