Cigars International has opened a new location in South Fayette, Pennsylvania. It’s the 13th U.S. location for the cigar retail giant.
Cigars International Opens Store in South Fayette Pennsylvania | Cigar News

Cigars International has opened a new location in South Fayette, Pennsylvania. It’s the 13th U.S. location for the cigar retail giant.
Cigars International has opened a new store in Jacksonville, Florida. It’s the 12th U.S. location for the cigar retail giant.
Cigars International has announced it is restructuring its annual CIGARfest event from a single large event to a series of regional events at its Cigars International Super Stores. Cigars International says the decision to restructure CIGARfest comes as Cigars International has grown its customer base across the U.S. and is expanding its retail footprint across the […]
Cigars International has announced the cancellation of CIGARfest 2021. The event has been cancelled due to the renewed concerns around the spread COVID-19 virus. Cigars International says tickets purchased will be refunded in full by the end of the month. This is the second year in a row CIGARfest has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 […]
Cigars International has announced that it will host “Virtual CIGARFest 2020”. It’s a virtual edition of the company’s annual CIGARFest event that was cancelled for 2020 due to the COVID pandemic. The Virtual CIGARFest 2020 event will begin October 16 at 10:30 AM EST and run through Saturday, October 17th at 5PM. All components of […]
Micallef Cigars announced today that it is ending its sales relationship with Meier & Dutch, Cigars International, and Thompson Cigar. The move is meant to strengthen the commitment Micallef Cigars has made with the brick and mortar community. The following is a press release from Micallef Cigars explaining the move. [themify_box ] Micallef Cigars no […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the cancellation of another major cigar event. Today, Cigars International announced it is cancelling its CIGARFest 2020 event scheduled for October 16th and 17th in Split Rock, Pennsylvania. CIGARFest is one of the largest consumer events in the country as Cigars International has reported attendance up to 6,500. Cigars […]
Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) has announced that Sarah Santos will succeed the retiring Craig Reynolds as the head of North American Online and Retail Division (NAO&R), the group that includes online retail giant Cigars International. Santos’ title will be President of NAO&R and Senior Vice President of STG. Santos will assume her role […]