The PDR Nicaraguan Reserve is a shop exclusive to Best Cigar Prices. Best Cigar Prices is an online retailer located in Drums, Pennsylvania. As the name indicates, the cigar comes from Abe Flores‘ PDR Cigars and is made at Flores’ PDR Cigars Factory located in Tamboril, Dominican Republic. While the cigar is made in the […]
Cigar Review: Davidoff Yamasá Pirámides
Prior to the 2016 IPCPR Trade Show, Davidoff announced its latest offering in its “Discovery Pillar”, the Davidoff Yamasa line. The Discovery Pillar represents the black label Davidoff-branded cigars. When Davidoff CEO Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard came on board in 2011, he executed on a strategy around innovation. The Discovery Pillar has represented some of the products resulting from […]
Cigar Review: Entrada 1st Edition Corona
As the name indicates, the Estrada 1st Edition is the first cigar from Casa de Estrada Cigar Company. Casa de Estrada was founded by Chaz Kline. Kline operated a tobacco store in Omaha, Nebraska, but in 2013 Kline took the jump that many of the retail side have done – moving over to brand owner. […]
Cigar Review: Tatuaje Skinny Hyde
The Tatuaje Skinny Hyde is one of ten cigars that make up the Tatuaje Skinny Monsters collection. Skinny Monsters is a sampler of ten 6 x 38 petite lanceros based on various Tatuaje Monster Series releases. Since 2008, the Tatuaje Monsters Series has been an annual release right before Halloween. For each installment of the series, a different blend with […]
Cigar Review: Serino Royale Maduro XX Sublime
The Serino Royale Maduro XX is one of four blends by Serino Cigar Company. Serino Cigar Company is run by industry veteran Tony Serino. For over two decades, Serino has worked in the industry importing and selling premium bundle cigars. With the Serino Royale line, Serino unveils his own super premium line. To produce this line, […]
Cigar Review: Toraño Vault P-044 Robusto
Recently the Torano Cigars brand under General Cigar Company has rolled out four new blends under the Torano Vault. These blends are significant because they are the first new Torano blends developed by General Cigar since it acquired the brands of Torano Family Cigars back in 2014. The Torano Vault line made its debut back in 2011 under […]
Cigar Review: RoMa Craft Tobac Intemperance Whiskey Rebellion 1794-Cigar Dojo Edition
The RoMa Craft Tobac Intemperance Whiskey Rebellion 1794 is a new cigar blend that is a shop exclusive to Famous Smoke Shop in Easton, Pennsylvania. The cigar was initially launched in a 5 x 50 Robusto size in partnership with Cigar Dojo. An initial allocation of 500 boxes was offered up for pre-sale to the Cigar Dojo […]
Accessory Review: Screwpop Ashtray
The Screwpop Ashtray is a new cigar accessory introduced by Screwpop LLC. Screwpop is best known for making small, pocket-sized tools. Over the past three years, the company has moved into the area of cigar accessories where it has introduced cigar cutter products such as the Screwpop Cigar Punch, Screwpop Cigar Punch 2.0, and the Screwpop Cigar Cutter. The […]
Cigar Review: MoyaRuiz Dim Mak-The Death Touch
Dim Mak – The Death Touch is the third limited edition cigar to be released by MoyaRuiz Cigars. The limited editions from MoyaRuiz have all had a common theme – they have been a tribute to the Cigar Dojo community. MoyaRuiz has attributed the Dojo community to much of its success it has had. As […]
Cigar Review: GTO Don Emilio Edicion Limitada
Earlier this year, GTO Dominican Cigars released a special limited cigar called the GTO Don Emilio. The name Don Emilio pays homage to owner Dr. Oscar Rodriguez’s father. This was a blend that originally started by Rodriguez and his father, but sadly his father would pass away earlier this year. Rodriguez took it upon himself […]