“While this might surprise many, I found the Davidoff Nicaragua 6 x 60 to be one of the best sizes of the line.”
Davidoff Nicaragua 6 x 60

Wrapper: Habano Seed Nicaragua Rosado
Binder: Habano Jalapa
Filler: Estelí Viso, Condegas Ligero, Ometepe Viso and Estelí Ligero
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic (TABADOM)
6 x 60: 6 x 60
Price: $19.20
Review: Davidoff Nicaragua 6 x 60 (6/14/17)
Appearances on Countdown (By Year/Brand):  5 ( (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)

Coming in at #15 is the Davidoff Nicaragua 6 x 60. The Davidoff Nicaragua was originally unveiled in 2013. It was a project where Davidoff Master Blender Henke Kelner was challenged to blend an all-Nicaraguan tobacco – something he had not done up until that time. It became the centerpiece to Davidoff’s Discovery (Black Label) Pillar, which would be expanded to include Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed, Davidoff Escurio, and Davidoff Yamasá. In 2017, Davidoff unveiled a series of limited edition 6 x 60 line extensions. These would be the first 6 x 60 Davidoff branded cigars since the release of the Davidoff 2014 Year of the Horse.

Blend-wise the Davidoff 6 x 60 utilizes a Nicaragua Rosado wrapper over a blend of Nicaraguan tobacco from the four main growing regions on Nicaragua. This includes a Habano binder from Jalapa and fillers from Condega, Estelí, and Ometepe.

The Davidoff Nicaragua 6 x 60 lands Davidoff on the Countdown for the fifth consecutive year.  It becomes the second 60 ring gauge and the third Nicaragua puro to land on the 2017 Countdown. This is the second line extension to make this year’s Countdown. Finally, the inclusion of the Davidoff Nicaragua 6 x 60 lands means each of the Davidoff Discovery Pillar releases on the Countdown.

Davidoff Nicaragua 6 x 60

Davidoff Nicaragua Packaging © Oettinger Davidoff AG 2016, used with permission


The Davidoff Nicaragua 6 x 60 delivers a complex smoke from start to finish. Early on, the Davidoff Nicaragua 6 x 60 produced a mix of caramel, natural tobacco, fruit, and earth. As the cigar experience progresses notes of hay, bakers spice, and black pepper can be detected. Throughout the smoke, the cigar maintains both medium strength and medium body.

Don’t let the 60 ring gauge turn you away from this cigar. The Davidoff Nicaragua blend shines in this format – easily making it qualify for this year’s Countdown.


For details of the 2017 Cigar of the Year Countdown, see our 2017 criteria.

Photo Credits: Cigar Coop, except where noted