The month of April ended quite differently than I expected when it came to covering the world of cigars. An announcement was made that will potentially be the biggest cigar media story of the year – namely, Imperial Brands planning to exit the cigar industry. With the IPCPR Trade Show scheduled to start at the end […]
April Fool’s Day is always an interesting one as we often see a run of press releases, and with the exception of one, most of them simply miss the mark. While I get the “fun” aspects of doing these April Fool’s projects, I find it ironic that some cigar companies who don’t engage in media […]
Last month, we described a dilemma known as “The Tabernacle Syndrome”. This was defined as follows: [themify_box ] The problem emerged when the cut-off deadline is reached for when a cigar is eligible to be included on an end of the year list. As mentioned above, it is possible a cigar might not have been […]
Last year Cigar Coop made a decision to extend our window for eligible cigars for our Cigar of the Year Countdown from one year to two years. While we do know that Cigar Journal has employed a similar concept, for the most part, we were the first online media brand to utilize the two-year window. […]
It’s the 2018 Postseason on Cigar Coop! This is our year in review of the Cigar Industry. Our postseason coverage consists of: Cigar of the Year Countdown: We started this back on December 7th – counting down the best 30 cigars of 2018. In January we reveal “The Super Six” – culminating with the announcement […]
As we discussed on the 11/28/18 Edition of the Cigar Industry Report, we eliminated the “Volume/Number” scheme we have been using and moved to sequential numbering. This month we start with #94 for the monthly editorial column, “Editor’s Corner.” This month, we start “Countdown ’18”, the original Cigar of the Year Countdown. This year, there […]
November 22nd is Thanksgiving, and for Cigar Coop it marks the end of the Cigar Coop Cigar Year. It’s always a busy time of the year on Cigar Coop. It’s when we start to formulate our Cigar of the Year Countdown. This is an annual tradition where we count down the Top 30 cigars for […]
This last week I took a trip to Sweden that was not related to the cigar industry. It was at a time where many of the U.S. cigar industry higher-ups are in Europe. Typically the industry spends time in Europe in September because of the Inter-Tabac show held in Dortmund, Germany. Inter-Tabac is a tobacco […]
It’s no secret that when it comes to media relations, I believe (as a whole) the cigar industry falls way short in terms of being effective at it. I’ve said it once, and I’ve said it many times – each and every cigar company should be utilizing press releases as a tool to get the […]
Today Cigar Coop has turned eight years old. Every year this milestone comes around I’m drawn back to the genesis of Cigar Coop. The first article on Cigar Coop wasn’t about cigars, it was about iced coffee of all things. Back in 2010, I had gone to the IPCPR Trade Show in New Orleans to […]