The Joya Copper is the fifth installment of Joya de Nicaragua’s “Joya” series. The Joya series was launched back in 2014 with the release of Joya Red and is intended to offer a more contemporary styled smoke in terms of packaging and blend at a reasonable price point. When it comes to the Joya series, […]
Cigar News: Joya de Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco Edición Asia Launching Next Month
Joya de Nicaragua, in partnership with Hong Kong-based Cigraal, is launching its first regional limited edition exclusively for the Asian market: Cuatro Cinco-Edición Asia. The blend is based off the Joya de Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial blend using Joya de Nicaragua’s signature Gran Consul (4 3/4 x 60). This is a blend highlighted […]
Cigar Review: Joya de Nicaragua Antaño CT Robusto
At the 2019 IPCPR Trade Show, Joya de Nicaragua released a new cigar under its Antaño brand known as the Joya de Nicaragua Antaño CT. The CT stands for Connecticut and that is because the Antaño CT is a Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapped offering under its Antaño brand. The Antaño is perhaps the best-known brand […]
Cigar Review: Joya de Nicaragua Selección de Torcedor 2019 (2019 TAA Exclusive)
In 2019, Joya de Nicaragua introduced its third blend as an exclusive offering to the Tobacconist Association of America (TAA) with The Joya de Nicaragua Selección de Torcedor 2019. At the time it was announced to be a part of the 2019 TAA Exclusive Series, Selección de Torcedor was announced as a new platform within […]
Cigar Review: Joya Silver Toro by Joya de Nicaragua
At the 2018 IPCPR Trade Show, Joya de Nicaragua Cigars unveiled the fourth installment of its Joya series with Joya Silver. The Joya series was first launched back in 2014 with the release of Joya Red and is intended to offer a more contemporary styled smoke in termed of packaging and blend at a […]
Agile Cigar Review: Joya de Nicaragua Cinco Décadas Diadema
Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]
Cigar News: Joya de Nicaragua Adds Joya Copper Shop Exclusive
Joya de Nicaragua has announced a fifth installment under its Joya brand. The Joya Copper will be an exclusive offering to Cigars International This release joins the Joya Cabinet, Joya Red, Joya Black, and Joya Silver offerings. “Joya Copper is the result of what a strong partnership is all about, in this project we […]
IPCPR 2019 Spotlight: Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
2018 was a huge year for Joya de Nicaragua. The company was celebrating 50 years in the cigar business and as a result, there was quite a bit of activity into the Joya de Nicaragua brand showcased at the 2018 IPCPR. Led by the highly acclaimed Joya de Nicaragua Cinco Decadas (which was the #1 […]
Prime Time Episode 103: Juan Martinez, Joya de Nicaragua
The past 18 months have seen Joya de Nicaragua Cigars on a roll. Tonight, we have the Executive President of Joya de Nicaragua Juan Martinez to talk about the happenings at Joya – including the big 50th anniversary year and the company’s plans for 2019. In our Alec Bradley Live True segment, we discuss traveling […]
Announcement: Prime Time Episode 103 – Juan Martinez, Joya de Nicaragua
The past 18 months have seen Joya de Nicaragua Cigars on a roll. Tonight, we have the Executive President of Joya de Nicaragua Juan Martinez to talk about the happenings at Joya – including the big 50th anniversary year and the company’s plans for 2019. In our Alec Bradley Live True segment, we discuss […]