The Joya Copper is the fifth installment of Joya de Nicaragua’s “Joya” series. The Joya series was launched back in 2014 with the release of Joya Red and is intended to offer a more contemporary styled smoke in terms of packaging and blend at a reasonable price point. When it comes to the Joya series, […]
Cigar Review: CAO Orellana
At the 2019 IPCPR Trade Show, General Cigars showed off what was a new installment to its Amazon Basin series, the CAO Orellana. The CAO Orellana is described as a “prequel” to the CAO Amazon Trilogy series, but for all practical purposes, it is the fourth blend to be released in the series. The CAO […]
Cigar Review: Aladino Connecticut Queens Perfecto by JRE Tobacco Co.
Since JRE Tobacco Company launched in 2016, the brand that has become the workhorse blend of the portfolio has been Aladino. In 2019, JRE Tobacco would introduce its fourth blend under the Aladino line with the Aladino Connecticut. While JRE Tobacco already has a Connecticut Shade cigar with the Tatascan Connecticut, that cigar is sweet-dipped. […]
Cigar Review: The American Toro by J.C. Newman Cigar Company
The 2016 IPCPR Trade Show is long remembered as a Trade Show where many companies were scrambling to introduce products to market prior to August 8, 2016 when the Deeming Rule by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would go into place. Any products being introduced after the date would require FDA approval, but […]
Cigar Review: La Palina Silver Label Toro TAA Exclusive
In 2019 La Palina Cigars released its fourth exclusive release to the Tobacconists Association of America (TAA), the La Palina Silver Label. It was also the third consecutive year that La Palina unveiled a new blend as a part of the TAA Exclusive Series. At the time it was announced, it was billed as the […]
Cigar Review: Tatuaje – The Tiff
When Tatuaje – The Bride was released in 2018, it became the 13th blend released in the Monsters Series. At that time Pete Johnson pretty much had said 13 blends would be the limit. Of the 13 blends, 11 of the 13 had been released in the full-sized Monster format for Halloween. The two […]
Cigar Review: Protocol Sir Robert Peel Natural (Toro) by Cubariqueño Cigar Company
At the 2019 IPCPR Trade Show, Cubariqueño Cigar Company launched a new line known as Protocol Sir Robert Peel . The Protocol Sir Robert Peel is a line that consists of two blends – a Natural (Rosado) and a Maduro (Pennsylvania Broadleaf). Protocol Sir Robert Peel would bring the total number of regular production blends to […]
Cigar Review: Southern Draw Rose of Sharon Desert Rose (Belicoso Fino)
If you followed our 2019 IPCPR Trade Show coverage, once of the most active of the smaller cigar companies in terms of delivering new product was Southern Draw Cigars. In the five years Southern Draw has been in business, it has built a solid portfolio of cigars. The 2019 cigar releases by Southern Draw followed […]
Cigar Review: La Flor Dominicana TAA 50th Segunda Edición Natural
One of the companies that have been a staple of the Tobacconist Association of America (TAA) Exclusive Series is La Flor Dominicana. Since 2012, La Flor Dominicana has delivered a limited edition cigar to the TAA Exclusive Series. In 2019, La Flor Dominicana would release not one, but two cigars to the TAA. These cigars […]
Agile Cigar Review: CAO Amazon Anaconda
Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]