Lately I’ve been trying to take this web-site into more of a hard-core direction in terms of cigar information. I’m not sure how successful this transition has been, but I’m trying. There are times where I realize I do need to take a step back and have a little fun. With tonight being the first […]
I’ve decided to go ahead and continue the month in review series. This is the second installment. In this series, I will highlight some noteworthy events that happened in the world of cigars. I’ll focus on noteworthy events and smokes that I explored on the Cigar Coop website and throw in a few other tidbits […]
NOTE: As of 5/14/2011, the Operational Code of Ethics will be a permanent page on this web-site – click here to access. Friends, I am so grateful for the outpouring of support for the “Cigar Coop” project. In a little over 7 months, to achieve over 21,000 page hits is simply mind-boggling. The project has […]
This evening the first step of bringing Cigar-Coop into modern technology was taken. Cigar Coop has now migrated to using a custom domain – I’ve been assured by all technologists that this was a seamless process. So far, except for a few glitches, things seemed to have worked pretty well. There may still […]
One thing as I have launched the Cigar Coop project is that I have gotten to meet a bunch of other Cigar Authors on the internet (and I use the word Authors, not bloggers). For the most part, there has been a great fellowship that has developed among us. We all try to do something […]
In my ever evolving system of giving a cigar an assessment, I am adding a new category – complexity. This category will be seen on reviews going forward. It will be assessed three ways: Low – The cigar is not complex and maintains the same flavor profile for the majority of the smoke Medium – […]
I wanted to think of something special to put up for Post #200 on Cigar Coop. My inspiration for this came from Post #199 – when I discussed how cigar enthusiasts have to deal with substandard conditions on where they can enjoy a cigar. In that post, there was some deliberate wording when I was […]
As I approach the announcement of 2010 Cigar of the Year and runner-up, I thought it would be interesting to see what other people are listing as their top cigars. Everyone had different criteria. While some people included Cubans, I opted not to since they are not generally available. The amazing thing is how different […]
Here is the remaining schedule for the Top 30 Cigar of the Year countdown. Note there will be an off-day on 12/24, and Cigars #1 and #2 will both be released on 12/31 at 7:59PM. All times Eastern. All times subject to change. On 1/1, I will list some honorable mention sticks that did not […]
I’m going to give another press byte to I know a lot of folks have been loyally following my Top 30 countdown and I thank you all. There has been some great feedback and conversation. will be picking their Top 15 sticks of the year soon. They also will be publishing a reader’s […]