Rocky Patel Spring Collection 2009 I recently got a re-interest in Rocky Patel’s Seasonal collection cigars when I saw Rocky down at an event in Greenville, South Carolina. I had asked Rocky if he was thinking of reviving this line of cigars and he proceeded to tell me that the current Patel Brothers cigar was […]
Rocky Patel’s Valedor was a cigar that was introduced last year. Last year, Rocky’s big release was his 15th Anniversary – an excellent cigar that ended up placing in at #23 in my 2010 Cigar of the Year list. While the 15th Anniversary got a lot of fanfare, this cigar did not get as much. […]
It’s been a little while since we’ve seen a new addition to EO Brands’ 601 Cigar line. I’m sure last year, there was a lot going on the business end with Rocky Patel Premium Cigars acquiring EO Brands’. The good news is, now that the acquisition has been completed – and much of the transfer […]
Recently when I attended a Rocky Patel Event in Greenville, NC, I opted to smoke the 601 Maduro (Blue Label)cigar. Usually when I attend an event, I like to enjoy a cigar by the manufacturer/company of the event. Last year, the 601 line was acquired by Rocky Patel Premium Cigars, therefore I felt this stick […]
Cigar Coop and Rocky Patel Making his rounds through the southeast, world-famous cigar-maker Rocky Patel made a stop in Greenville South Carolina at Outman Cigars for an event. As usually the case, Rocky drew a big crowd – I’m estimating about 150 people jam-packed Outman Cigars for a great evening. One thing that always strikes […]
While most of the gripes I’ve had with Cigar Aficionado’s Top 10 are still valid, there were some pleasant surprises in the remainder of the Top 25. I was pleased there were at least two of my Top 30 sticks to be mentioned. I didn’t go and comment on every stick, just the ones that […]
#23: Rocky Patel 15th Anniversary It’s the beginning of the second week of “30 Sticks in 31 Days” – the list of the Top 30 Cigars for 2010. Today I reveal the eighth installment of this list. Coming in at #23 is the Rocky Patel 15th Anniversary. Last year, I considered 2009 an off-year for […]
Many people come to me asking me what is the best cigar to buy for a Christmas, Hanukkah, or New Year’s gift. Unfortunately, the first response I give them is what I term the “Standard Consulting Answer” which is “It Depends”… It depends on a few factors. Below I’ve put a table to help […]
Erik Nording is one of the legendary pipe crafters in the world today. Simply put his pipes are works of art. Therefore, when Rocky Patel decided to blend a cigar to honor Nording, it caught my attention. The result is the appropriately named – the Rocky Patel Nording. While I have great respect for the […]
Stating this very bluntly – 2009 was not a great year for the Rocky Patel line. Rocky released two sticks – the 1961 and the Patel Brothers. I will be the first to admit, I did not care for these two sticks. But when I visit many cigar shops around the country, I notice that […]