Rocky Patel Year of the Dragon

Rocky Patel Year of the Dragon 2024 Toro

Today, we review the Rocky Patel Year of the Dragon 2024 edition in the Toro size. If you were looking to celebrate the Chinese New Year with a commemorative cigar, you would have had no problem in 2024 as some two dozen releases hit the market. Over the years, many companies have released Chinese Zodiac cigars, but 2024 marked the first time Rocky Patel Premium Cigars has done so. Rocky Patel released three sizes, each targeting a different market. In the case of the U.S., it was the Toro size. Coming in at $35.00, while it is not priced as high as the Conviction, it still is one of the pricer Rocky Patel cigars.

The following is the Year of the Dragon cigars list by major manufacturers and brands.

Without further ado, let’s turn our attention to the Rocky Patel Year of the Year 2024 and see what this cigar brings to the table.

Rocky Patel Year of the Dragon 2024 Toro | Cigar Review


Blend and Origin

The blend for the Year of the Dragon 2024 is a three-country multinational blend. It is highlighted by a San Andres Mexican wrapper aha double binder (one from Honduras and one from Nicaragua). The filler includes Nicaraguan tobaccos from 2014. Production comes from Rocky Patel’s TAVICUSA factory in Estelí, Nicaragua.

Wrapper: San Andres Mexican
Binder: Honduran, Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
ountry of Origin: Nicaragua
Factory: Tabacalera Villa Cuba S.A. (TAVICUSA)

Vitolas Offered

The Year of the Dragon Toro released for the U.S. market is a 6 1/2 x 50 Toro. There was also a Robusto Grande (5 1/2 x 52) for the Duty-Free market and a Robusto (size unknown) for the international market. The blend is the same for all three sizes.

There are 6,000 boxes of the Year of the Dragon Toro that were allocated for the U.S. market. Each box comes with ten Year of the Dragon Toro cigars.

Appearance (*)

The Mexican wrapper of the Year of the Dragon Toro was a classic chocolate bar-brown color. There was not much oil on the surface. Upon closer examination, some mottling was detected. The surface of the wrapper had a slight amount of toothiness. In addition, there were some visible veins.

Rocky Patel Year of the Dragon

Rocky Patel Year of the Dragon 2024 Toro (Sleeve removed)


Pre-Light Draw (*)

After removing the paper sleeve that covered a little more than half of the Year of the Dragon Toro, it was time to clip the cap and commence the pre-light draw. The cold draw had a combination of mocha, leather, and earth. If you have read many of my assessments, you will know I use the term mocha to refer to a fusion between coffee and chocolate. Overall, this was a satisfactory pre-light draw. At this point, it was time to toast up the footer of the Year of the Dragon Toro and head into the smoking phase.

Tasting Notes

The Year of the Dragon 2024 Toro opened up with mineral, cocoa, vegetal, and cherry notes. Early on, the mineral notes moved into the forefront, with the cocoa, vegetal, and cherry notes settling into the background. Later, the cocoa notes joined the mineral notes. Meanwhile, there was a layer of black pepper on the retro-hale.

The combination of mineral and cocoa notes remained the primary notes in the Year of the Dragon 2024. During this stage, a black pepper note also surfaced on the tongue. The pepper joined the vegetal and cherry notes in the background.

By the final third, the pepper notes closed in on the cocoa and mineral, which remained at the forefront. Meanwhile, the vegetal and cherry notes remain in the background right to the end. The cigar had a cold and soft nub by the time the Year of the Dragon 2024 came to a close.


In terms of construction, the Year of the Dragon 2024 Toro scored very nicely. This cigar maintained a straight burn line and burn path from start to finish and required minimal touch-ups. The resulting ash was firm and came off the cigar in clean chunks. It was light gray in color. As for the burn rate and burn temperature, both maintained ideal levels.

Burn of the Rocky Patel Year of the Dragon 2024 Toro


Additionally, the draw of the Year of the Dragon 2024 Toro performed well. It had what Ben Lee has termed a “milkshake draw,” meaning it had a touch of resistance to it. At the same time, this was a low maintenance cigar t derive flavor from.

Strength and Body

The Year of the Dragon 2024 Toro started out with medium strength and medium-bodied flavors. As the cigar experience progressed, both attributes gradually increased in intensity. The body increased at a slightly greater rate. By the final third, the flavors had progressed to medium to full territory. The strength was greater than at the start of the cigar, but it had not come out of the medium range of the spectrum.

The body of the Year of the Dragon 2024 had a slight edge over the strength in terms of strength versus body. This edge increased as the cigar experience progressed.


When it comes to packaging and presentation, Rocky Patel Premium Cigars does a nice job. The red and gold on the box, band, and sleeve look quite nice. I believe the packaging of the Year of the Dragon 2024 does a nice homage to the Chinese New Year.

Packaging of the Rocky Patel Year of the Dragon 2024 Toro


Final Thoughts

If you have read my assessments over the past few years, you know that Rocky Patel Premium Cigars has been doing an amazing job working with the San Andres wrapper. Unfortunately, the Rocky Patel Year of the Dragon 2024 Toro falls short compared to some of the excellent releases, which resulted in an 87-point score.

Comparing ultra-premium releases, I would say the $100.00 Conviction is a far superior offering to the $35.00 Year of the Dragon 2024 Toro.  On the other hand, my instinct is to reach for a Rocky Patel Winter Collection, a Cigar Coop Cigar of the Year that comes in under $11.00 per cigar. Ultimately, the Year of the Dragon 2024 is a cigar I don’t see myself returning to.


Key Flavors:  Mocha (Espresso, Chocolate), Mineral, Vegetal, Cherry, Pepper
Burn: Excellent
Draw: Excellent
Complexity: Medium Minus
Strength: Medium
Body: Medium (1st 2/, Medium to Full (Final Third)
Finish: Excellent


Value: Not Recommended
Score: 87


News: Rocky Patel Premium Cigars to Launch Conviction
Price: $35.00
Source: Purchased
Brand Reference: Rocky Patel

Photo/Video Credits: Cigar Coop/The Smoking Syndicate unless otherwise specified

(*) Indicates this is not factored into the score or value rating