On this web-site, I continually try to generate some additional awareness for legislation that affects us as cigar enthusiasts. Perhaps this post represents the most important political action item I have posted to date. You probably are aware of the FDA’s intent to regulate the cigar industry and lump cigars in with cigarettes. This is […]
So far April has not been a good month for cigar enthusiasts. Last month, a bill was proposed in the New York State legislature by by Assemblywoman Michelle Shimel, Assemblyman Michael DenDekker (House Bill A 1093) , as well as Senators Martin Golden and Tom Libous (Senate Bill SB 3410). This bill would address the […]
I’ve decided to go ahead and continue the month in review series. This is the second installment. In this series, I will highlight some noteworthy events that happened in the world of cigars. I’ll focus on noteworthy events and smokes that I explored on the Cigar Coop website and throw in a few other tidbits […]
It’s been a great month for cigars with all of the new releases coming out. It’s important not to take our eyes off the Pleasure Police though. Glynn Loope, Executive Director for the Cigar Rights of America posted an important post for all cigar enthusiasts nationwide – the proposed Maryland cigar tax increase appears to […]
The CRA has issued a petition against California Bill 575 – a proposal that would issue a widespread tobacco ban. They are calling on California and non-California residents to sign this. A few weeks ago, I discussed what a nightmare this would be: I pulled this right from the CRA communication. There are specific instructions […]
One thing I’ve mentioned in my campaign against the Pleasure Police is if you give them one inch, they will keep coming back for more. Now, they have struck in California where there is a scary and dangerous piece of legislation that threatens the future of cigar enthusiasm on a statewide basis. The bill is […]
We all know that the State of New York has probably become one of the least friendly places for cigar enthusiasts. On top of an Outdoor Smoking Ban being rammed through the New York City Council, last year an insane tax increase was passed on cigars – 75% on the wholesale price. The Pleasure Police […]
Tobacco continues to be a target of tax increases around the different states here in the United States. While there is a perception that a tax increase can help raise revenue and perhaps get some people to stop using tobacco, it is a proven fact that this strategy backfires. Don’t believe me – look no […]
Special thanks to Glynn Loope, our leader at the CRA for posting these on Facebook. With the brutal month the cigar business endured in February, it is nice to know there have been some victories over the Pleasure Police. I’ve recapped two separate victories. I also would like to thank the CRA for their continuing […]
In a month where the Pleasure Police have been attacking from all angles, there is some good news. Fordham University, located in the Bronx, NY has decided not to pursue an outdoor smoking ban at this time. The article below details this. This is very good news for tobacco enthusiasts. The Universities around the country […]