The Cigar Industry Report is a one-stop place to catch up on the activity here at Cigar Coop. It is a combination of the news reports, cigar reviews, and assessment updates we do throughout the week. In addition, each week we will look back at Cigar Coop history. Look for this report every Saturday morning at 8am Eastern Time.

Cigar Industry Report: Edition 356 (11/23/19)


Feature of the Week: Amendment Added to HR 2339

This week an amendment was added to HR 2339 a comprehensive anti-tobacco bill that last week passed a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee. In the amendment to the bill is language that would exempt premium cigars from a ban on internet and catalog sales as well as exemption from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s costly premarket approval/substantial equivalency process. However, the amendment includes in the definition of a premium cigar a minimum price point of $12.00. We’ve got the details here.

News and Previews

Legislative News

  • U.S. Senate: S.9 is a proposed piece of legislation that calls for an exemption from FDA Regulation for premium handmade cigars. This week no new co-sponsors were added. The total number of sponsors remains at 15.
  • U.S. House of Representatives: H.R.1854 is the House Companion Bill to S.9. This week one new co-sponsor Rep Virginia Foxx [R-North Carolina] was added. The total number of sponsors now is at 83.
  • Massachusetts: The State Senate has passed a bill that includes a ban on flavored tobacco. The bill will become law if signed by Governor Charlie Baker.
  • Pennsylvania: The legislature has voted to raise the state tobacco purchase age to 21. Governor Tom Wolf is expected to sign the bill into law making Pennsylvania the 19th state to raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco to 21.


Agile Cigar Reviews

Prime Time Show

For Episode 118 we welcomed Benjamin Holt of Dissident Cigars as our special guest.

Prime Time Special Edition

No Show This Week




Prime Time

Episode 119 (12/5): The CA Top 25 Pre-Game Show

Prime Time Special Edition

Special Edition 63 (11/26/19): Emma Viktorsson, Las Cumbres Tabaco


On this date Nov 23rd