Cigar Industry Report

The Cigar Industry Report is a one stop place to catch up on the activity here at Cigar Coop. It is a combination of our news reports, cigar reviews, and assessment updates we do throughout the week. Finally, each week we will look back at Cigar Coop history. Look for this report every Saturday morning at 8am Eastern time.

Cigar Industry Report: Volume 6, Number 22 (Edition 223 4/22/17)

Feature of the Week: Vegas Cubanas Returns 

This week My Father Cigars announced the return of Vegas Cubanas. This was a cigar blended by Don Pepin Garcia prior to the formation of My Father Cigars. Vegas Cubanas had been regular production, but over the past few years the cigar had only seen limited production the past few years. Now Vegas Cubanas returns as a regular production offering once again.

News Recap

Legislative News

  • House of Representatives: H.R. 564 is a proposed piece of legislation that calls for an exemption from FDA Regulation for premium handmade cigars. This week no new co-sponsors signed on. The total number of sponsors remains at 102.
  • U.S. SenateS.294 is the Senate companion bill to H.R. 564. his week no new co-sponsors signed on. The total number of sponsors remains at 15.
  • House Bill 1136: This is legislation that was introduced by Rep Tom Cole (R-Oklahoma) and Rep Sanford Bishop (D-Georgia) to change the Grandfather Date for Deeming Tobacco products subject to FDA Regulation from February 15 2017 to 21 days after enactment of the regulations. This week 6 new co-sponsors signed on including: Scott Perry [R-Pennsylvania], Robert Pitting [R-North Carolina], Tim Walberg [R-Michigan], Scott Peters [D-California], Mark Sanford [R-South Carolina], and Tom Emmer [R-Minnesota]. The total sponsor count is now 49.
  • New York: City of New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio is proposing higher tobacco taxes including a 10% OTP tax increase that would include premium cigars.


Agile Cigar Reviews

Prime Time Show

Episode 2 featured Hector Alfonso as our special guest. In our Debonaire Ideal we discussed Baseball and in our Deliberation Segment we talked about “Limited Cigars Making a Comeback”.

Our show is available on YouTube, Podbean, iTunes, Tune In Radio, and Google Play.

Upcoming Schedule (Subject to Change)

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Episode 3 (4/27/17): Danny Vazquez, Baracoa Cigar Company (Special Co-Host)
Episode 4 (5/04/17): Big Tuna and Yellow Snapper – The Cuban Show
Episode 5 (5/11/17): Juan Cancel and Bill Ives, Cubariqueño Cigar Company
Episode 6 (5/18/17): Fred Rewey (Nomad Cigar Company), John Reiner (Special Co-Host)
Episode 7 (5/25/17): Felix Assouline, Felix Assouline Cigars
Episode 8 (6/1/17): James Brown, Black Label Trading Co / Black Works Studio
Episode 9 (6/8/17): Riste Riatevski, JSK Cigars[/themify_box]

On this date April 22nd…