The Cigar Industry Report is a one-stop place to catch up on the activity here at Cigar Coop. It is a combination of the news reports, cigar reviews, and assessment updates we do throughout the week. In addition, each week we will look back at Cigar Coop history. Look for this report every Saturday morning at 8am Eastern Time.

Cigar Industry Report: Edition 315 (2/2/19)

Feature of the Week: Bill Introduced to House of Representatives Proposing Mail Order Ban, Flavored Tobacco Ban, and Tax Increase.

As the 116th Congress came into session on January 8, 2019, a new bill was introduced by Rep. Rose DeLauro (D-CT) to House of Representatives that could have devastating consequences for the cigar industry. While H.R. 293 is called the “Youth Vaping Prevention Act of 2019”, it is a bill designed to take extreme actions aimed at reducing the use of all tobacco and e-tobacco products. Included in the bill is language that would ban Internet/mail-order sales, flavored tobacco, and increase taxes. We got the details here.

News and Previews

Editor’s Corner

Legislative News

  • U.S. Senate: S.9 is a proposed piece of legislation that calls for an exemption from FDA Regulation for premium handmade cigars. This week no new co-sponsors were added. The total number of sponsors is at 11.
  • Illinois: Lawmakers are once again considering introducing a bill to raise the tobacco age to 21.
  • Minnesota: A proposed bill would raise the tobacco purchase age to 21.
  • Mississippi: A proposed bill would raise the tobacco purchase age to 21.
  • Oklahoma: A proposed bill would raise the tobacco purchase age to 21.
  • Wyoming: A proposed bill  to change the wholesale tax to 53 1/3% and increase the consumer tax to 26 2/3% was defeated.


Agile Cigar Reviews

Prime Time Show

This week for Episode 83, Jarrid Trudeau of Kristoff Cigars was our special guest. In our Debonaire Ideal we talked “Ed McMahon” characters and in for our Deliberation Segment, we discuss various industry topics.

Prime Time Special Edition

There was no show this week.




Prime Time

Episode 84 (1/31/19): All Star Media Panel #3

Prime Time Special Edition

Special Edition 47 (2/5/19) – Terence Reilly, Aganorsa Leaf


On this date February 2nd…