The Cigar Industry Report is a one-stop place to catch up on the activity here at Cigar Coop. It is a combination of the news reports, cigar reviews, and assessment updates we do throughout the week. In addition, each week we will look back at Cigar Coop history. Look for this report every Saturday morning at 8am Eastern Time.

Cigar Industry Report: Volume 7, Number 13 (Edition 266 2/17/18)

Feature of the Week: AVO 30th Collection Unveiled

This week Davidoff’s AVO brand unveiled a series of projects to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the brand. We recapped the announcements here.

News and Previews

Legislative News


Agile Cigar Reviews

Feature Story

Cigar Coop Coffee Collection

Reminder, we have partnered with Layne Coffee to offer two unique coffee blends. We have the details here. You can also order your coffee here.

Prime Time Show

This week for Episode 42, we welcomed Nick Syris of LH Premium Cigars s as our special guest. In our Debonaire Ideal segment, we talked Cuba with Nick. Finally, in our Deliberation Segment, we debated cigar herfs.

Prime Time Special Edition

For Special Edition #23, we recapped our visit to Davidoff’s operations in the Dominican Republic. We also revisited the Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust Todos Las Dias with six months of age. We also discussed the recent acquisitions of Xikar and Thompson Cigar and talked a little Winter Olympics.

Prime Time Show Schedule

Upcoming Schedule (Subject to Change)

[themify_box style=”light-green” ]
Episode 43 (2/22/18): Lawrence Miltenberger, Cubanacan Cigars
Episode 44 (3/1/18): Michael Giannini, Ventura Cigar Company
Episode 45 (3/8/18): Mo Maali, Patina Cigars
Episode 46 (3/15/18): Steven Bailey, Cornelius & Anthony
Episode TBD (5/17/18): Live from Corona Cigar Company

Special Edition #24 (2/27/18): Claudio Sgroi, Mombacho Cigars
Special Edition TBD (3/27/18): MLB Baseball Preview

On this date February 17th..