The Cigar Industry Report is a one-stop place to catch up on the activity here at Cigar Coop. It is a combination of the news reports, cigar reviews, and assessment updates we do throughout the week. In addition, each week we will look back at Cigar Coop history. Look for this report every Saturday morning at 8 am Eastern Time.


Cigar Industry Report: Volume 6, Number 35 (Edition 236 7/22/17)

IPCPR 2017 Reports

Be sure to follow our 2017 IPCPR Digest for our full coverage.

We had the following Feature Stories

This week we filed the following reports:

Other News

Legislative News

  • House of Representatives: H.R. 564 is a proposed piece of legislation that calls for an exemption from FDA Regulation for premium handmade cigars. This week no new co-sponsors were added. The total number of sponsors remains at 120.
  • U.S. SenateS.294 is the Senate companion bill to H.R. 564. This week no new co-sponsors were added. The total number of sponsors remains at 16.
  • House Bill 1136: H.R. 1136 is the legislation to change the Grandfather Date for Deeming Tobacco products subject to FDA Regulation from February 15, 2017, to 21 days after enactment of the regulations. This week no new co-sponsors were added. The total number of sponsors remains at  79.
  • FDA: Senators Marco Rubio [R-Florida] and Joe Manchin [D-West Virginia] spoke for support for a premium cigar exemption from FDA regulation as a part of the Appropriations process.
  • New Jersey: The State became the third in the nation to raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco to 21.

Prime Time Show

For Episode 14 we welcomed, Tim Cavenagh and Justin Mathson Hansen of Alpha Cigar Company.We learned about Absinthe in our Debonaire Ideal segment. Finally, discussed some IPCPR Fallout Topics for our Deliberation Segment

Prime Time Special Edition 

On Prime Time Special Edition #7 we discussed IPCPR including the Rudy Giuliani Keynote speech.

Prime Time Schedule

Our shows are available on YouTube, Podbean, iTunes, Tune In Radio, and Google Play.

Upcoming Schedule (Subject to Change)

[themify_box style=”light-green” ]
Episode 15 (7/27/17): Paul Stulac, Paul Stulac Cigars
Episode 16 (8/3/17): Bryan Mussard, Cattle Baron Cigars
Episode 17 (8/17/17) Kevin Schweitzer, Rock-A-Feillar Cigars
Episode 18 (8/24/17) TBD
Episode 19 (8/31/17) Charlie Minato, Halfwheel
Episode 20 (9/7/17) Tom Lazuka, Asylum Cigars[/themify_box]

On this date July 22nd…