The Cigar Industry Report is a one-stop place to catch up on the activity here at Cigar Coop. It is a combination of the news reports, cigar reviews, and assessment updates we do throughout the week. In addition, each week we will look back at Cigar Coop history. Look for this report every Saturday morning at 8am Eastern Time.


Cigar Industry Report: Edition 396 (8/29/20)


The Headlines

TPE 21 Rescheduled for May 2021

Tobacco Media Group (TMG) who runs the TPE Trade Show has confirmed that TPE21 is now scheduled for May 12th to May 14th, 2021. The previous dates had been January 29-31, 2021. TMG has said the change was made due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve got the details here.

Cigar Coop Battle of the Bands Sampler Pack

We are participating in a competition sponsored by Smoke Inn with other media brands to see who can build the best sampler pack. You can find out the details here and how to get the samplers.


The News

Summer of ’20 Coverage

We will be replacing our normal IPCPR/PCA Pre-Game Coverage with “Summer of ’20 Coverage.” This will focus on the products many cigar companies plan to release this summer.

Summer of ’20 Spotlights

This Week’s Coverage

Other News

Legislative News

  • U.S. Senate: S.9 is a proposed piece of legislation that calls for an exemption from FDA Regulation for premium handmade cigars. This week no new co-sponsors were added. The total number of sponsors remains at 15.
  • U.S. House of Representatives: H.R.1854 is the House Companion Bill to S.9. This week no new co-sponsors were added. The total number of sponsors remains 85.

Cigar Reviews


Agile Cigar Review

Features and Blog

The Blog

Prime Time Podcasts

Prime Time Show

Prime Time Special Edition

  • No Show This Week

Prime Time Jukebox

  • No Show This Week


Upcoming Schedule


8/31: Prime Time Jukebox Episode 17: The Little Richard Tribute Show with Bear Duplisea
9/3: Prime Episode 154: Media Panel #10
9/8: Prime Time Special Edition 83: Nick Perdomo, Perdomo Cigars


On This Date…

On this date Aug 22nd.