The Cigar Industry Report is a one-stop place to catch up on the activity here at Cigar Coop. It is a combination of the news reports, cigar reviews, and assessment updates we do throughout the week. In addition, each week we will look back at Cigar Coop history. Look for this report every Saturday morning at 8am Eastern Time.

Cigar Industry Report: Edition 335 (6/22/19)


Feature of the Week: Leaked Information on IPCPR Renaming and Rebranding Sets Off Industry Firestorm 

The International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers (IPCPR) Association had plans to unveil a new name and a new mission statement to kick off its 87th Trade Show and Convention. Those announcements did not go off as planned as information leaked out and quickly set off a huge firestorm of reaction across the cigar industry. We recap what happened here.

2019 IPCPR Pre-Game

We published 2019 IPCPR Pre-Game Report Part 1: A Look at This Year’s Trade Show and Convention.

In addition we filed the following product reports:

Other News

Legislative News


Prime Time Show

We celebrated Episode 100 by wrapping up our three-part IPCPR Pre-Game. On this episode, we went through our IPCPR 2019 “Big Board” and discussing the leaks of the “IPCPR Major Announcement.”

Prime Time Special Edition

No Show




Prime Time

Episode 101 (7/11/19): Cigar Hustler Mike

Prime Time Special Edition



On this date June 22nd…